School Strike 4 Climate NZ


Right now, we have an unprecedented opportunity and responsibility to create a new normal - one which creates a planet we would all feel proud to pass on to future generations, by holding people and the planet at its center. We must show our leaders that there is still momentum and that thousands of New Zealanders are here, ready to walk alongside our political leaders on this journey to the more beautiful Aotearoa that we know is possible.


As 170,000 of us did in September 2019, we will be taking to the streets again but in a way that protects and respects the mahi done by all New Zealanders over lockdown. We ask you to follow along the information released by your regional strike team and join with them on the streets on April 9th.

We want you to voice YOUR demands on April 9th and demand real climate action, and climate justice from our political leaders. Whether you demand action from your local MP, Mayor or Councillors - let your voice be heard!


As the youth of Aotearoa, it is important that the decision and projects that we put forward work around securing our generation a safe future. The children of New Zealand will be paying off the debt collected from the stimulus project. We demand that the leaders of today ensure us a safe future.

Find your local strike!

To all New Zealanders, join us

​We are striking from school to tell our politicians to take our futures seriously and treat climate change for what it is - a crisis. 

We're calling on all New Zealanders to join us in striking for the climate on April 9th as the climate crisis puts everything at risk. 

Follow along with your regional strike team!

About Us

We are school students aged 8-18 from cities and towns across New Zealand. We are united by our concern about our planet.


We are striking from school to tell our politicians to take our futures seriously and treat climate change for what it is - a crisis.


Politicians can show us that they care by taking urgent action to move New Zealand beyond fossil fuels and get the job done of moving us to 100% renewable energy for all.