Our Response To The Climate Change Commissions Report
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As School Strike 4 Climate NZ we stand in full support of the Climate Change Commission's report, advice and response to the current Climate Crisis we face. We demand action is taken, and it is taken NOW!
Today the Climate Change Commission has released their report, outlining where we stand as a country, our carbon budget, and what we can do to transition to a more sustainable community and nation. They have made it very clear that New Zealand is not doing enough, this is not news to us, we know the realities of this crisis and quite frankly we are on the edge of major backlash, such that chain reactions that are soon to come, will be irreversible - unless action is made, and is made NOW.
“We knew that this report was supposed to be discomforting, it was supposed to be uneasy, and shocking. But it is simply the raw reality of the current crisis we face, and have been facing for decades. We know we aren’t committing to the countless promises we have made as a nation. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any hope, because there is. It’s now a matter of how we respond to such a confronting report, in order to protect the lives, and future of Aotearoa.”
The report outlined that New Zealand has the technology, resources and capability of responding and adopting the advice presented by the Climate Change Commission, however the Government wasn’t utilising such. We know that the time to act is now, we have the opportunity and resources to do so, so why aren’t we?
“We must continue to remind ourselves of our why, and why we are all here. Our Government clearly is not taking this Climate Emergency seriously, so we must start to put the pressure on, get the job done together, and demand the roll out of real, transformative climate policy. It is time for justice. We must respond to this report collectively, in a way where we can unite behind Climate Change.”
The Climate Change Commission's report entails that the adoption of their advice would come at a minimal cost on the Government's behalf. The predicted GDP suggests that if we follow all advice given by the CCC will only stop growth by 1%. This does not incorporate the cost of inaction, and the thousands of jobs that will be lost if we do not take action immediately. This route is far less sustainable and far more dangerous for our economy.
As School Strike 4 Climate NZ we challenge the Government responds to this report and begins the roll out of transformative climate policy by February 14th, their 100th day of office. Our message is clear, our current path is not sustainable, nor is it liveable, we want climate justice & we want it now. The response to this report is affordable, it’s achievable & it’s supported - so let’s get it done!
“We acknowledge that it is time to bring those at the frontlines of this climate crisis, to the centre of our response. The time to act is now, we must commit and see the development of a fairer future for Aotearoa, because time is up.”
We want to see a rapid roll out of climate policy over the coming weeks, such policy could look like:
Phasing out the use of fossil-fuels NATIONWIDE
Launching an independent inquiry into cleaner practises within the Agricultural Sector, such as cleaner fertilizers and regenerative farming
Honouring its responsibility to our Pacific Island neighbours and doing everything in their power to maintain such islands homes, culture & well-being, while making sure they have a home to migrate to, if and when the time comes
Immediate investment & subsidising of clean energies such as EV Cars and Solar Panel installation
Financially and physically supporting the transition of those working within unsustainable jobs into sustainable industries
Immediate investment in Climate Education, throughout the community and primary/secondary education
Removing local council subsidy cap on Public Transport, from the current 50% to wherever best suited
“Our collective future is at stake, so our Government must take on real transformative action. The time to act is NOW - every day is crucial to fight this crisis, our house is on fire, and soon all that we know will be too”